Ed in action
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By Ed Kuhlman, on October 14th, 2024
John & Borgny Lee are moving to Arizona, and will be selling the following items at live auction at their home at 34615 Skunk Hollow Ave in rural Cannon Falls on Saturday, Noovember 2 starting at 10:00AM
VEHICLE: Restored 1969 MGB-GT- less than 2000 miles on rebuilt engine, numerous brake kits, Mustang fenders, & other car parts
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Hercules oak wall telephone, Trundle bed, Rosemaled wooden folding table, 6, 15, 20 & 25 gal RW crocks, crock jugs,primitive painted cupboard, garden bench, child’s office chair, 4 drawer oak filing cabinet, wooden high chair, #6 Aladdin lamp, balance beam scale, Bodhran Celtic drum, Hendryx brass bird cage (1905), brass ship barometers (Watrous, Emory & Douglas), unique hand-made lamps (tripod base, block plane base, 3 gal RW jug lamp), wooden egg crate, antique metal cake box, cast iron mouse door stop, Geneva cuff crimper, sad irons, rug beater, wooden Miller Co. Boot & Shoe box, vintage suitcases, Rough sawn oak dimensional lumber, Vintage grindstone, books FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD: Dining room table & 6 chairs, newer roll top desk, leather loveseat, chair & ottoman, handmade curio cabinet, single bed, oval table, entertainment center, 6 wooden chairs, 2 upholstered barrel chairs, pink chair, coffee table, side tables, sofa table, lamps, Asian chair, wooden office chair, CD’s & rack, live plants, numerous baskets, household misc
SHOP: Grizzly table saw w/ Paragauge, Grizzly jointer planer, Delta drill press, Tool Kraft router, Sears bandsaw, jigsaw, 10” band saw, Craftsman Shop Vac, bench grinder, Craftsman stick welder, wood lathe, lathe tools,vintage miter box, two 2-wheel carts, battery charger, numerous small power tooks, saws, drills, etc, rolling saw stands, clamps of all sizes, jack stands, car ramps, work lights, wooden planes, hack saws, chisels, vintage shop manuals, saw blades, come-along, Skil saw, burlap bags, nails, bolts, misc hardware, etc YARD & GARDEN: Patio table & 4 chairs, 2 newer lawn mowers, 40’ aluminum ladder, snow rake, Char Broil grill, iron garden décor, wicker porch set, 3 bicycles, hose reel, yard & garden tools, lawn chairs. Come and join us for an old time live country auction.
By Ed Kuhlman, on August 21st, 2024
The Stevens estate is selling the collection that Stan and Jan acquired during a lifetime of family, grain marketing, educator, world travel, art & antiques.
Henredon dining table, 2 leaves & 8 chairs, oak grain buyer’s desk, Brunswick Balke Collender Monarch antique pool table w/leather pockets and accessories, 3 coaster wagons, Jack Tripp handmade furniture: armoire; tall glass door cupboard; 2/3 copy of Shaker tailor table, Koken St Louis barber chair, painted primitive cabinet, Fred Sommers original oil/chalk “Valley Grove Church”, Eero Aarnio 1960’s wicker: 2 chairs, 4 stools, table, Thonet bentwood hat & coat rack, framed Fran Hall photo of the “Dundas Hermit”, misc Fran Hall photos, brass bed, primitive furniture, paintings, walnut drop leaf table & 2 leaves, early 1900’s Speed King “roller bearing” wagon, John Deere pedal tractor, oak roll top desk, sliding glass door book case, church bench, large wood trunk, Singer Slanto-Matic sewing machine, hand dovetailed chest, brass bed, cupboard top, easel, round table, old lighting, farm toys, baby shoes, school desks, blackboard, wicker set, cedar chest, Barbie car, goat cart, handmade circus train set, large wooden doll furniture, Grand-dad table, Erector set, ammo boxes, wind-up train set, Elna sewing machine parts, marbles, 3 Heywood Wakefield child’s chairs, two Mid Century Modern child’s chairs, ZipZap chair, doll house, hand made pine desk, Olympic & Corona typewriters, Knoll wicker chair, 125 cup & saucer luncheon sets (wedding reception), Banbury Cross Northfield Toys, croquet set, Civil War & history books, Ford 2000 tractor-wide front, 3 point, 1935-36 Dodge pickup truck (to be restored), Swedish composter, MEC 2548HT lift, Craftsman YT 3000 mower, Generac RS800E 120/240 8000 Watt generator, ALC 40002-FLC-DM sandblaster, Remington 115000 BTU heater, snow thrower, Karcher 3100psi pressure washer, Powermate compressor-6CFM @ 90PSI, 3 ton floor jack, oxy-acetylene welder, Kushlan cement mixer, tool box and tools, grinder, pole saw, wrenches, work bench, yard tools, “Tool Shop” cutoff saw, radial arm saw, saw horses, chain saw, dimensional lumber, lawn roller, ladders, posts, lawn furniture, picnic table, park benches, standing computer work table, rocking horse, 2 wheel cart, scrap metal, cow tank, shop tools, and much more. There really is something for everyone. This will be a live auction held inside the barn rain or shine.
Additions to Stevens auction that we found in the house: Jack Tripp cedar chest made from old door of Northfield UCC church, 1840’s walnut & beveled glass mirror, fireproof four drawer file cabinet, large trestle table, primitive pine desk w/cubbyholes from West Union, Iowa, surfboard walnut table, rolls of fabric from the Durr Limited store on 50th & France Ave, boxes of cotton print fabric for quilts, etc, boxes of vintage patterns (ideal for Ebay), 2 wicker & steel Knoll side chairs (Mies van der Rohe design), 2 Asia/California bamboo/rattan side chairs, 3 Thonet student desk chairs from Carleton College (Alvar Aalto design), 4 Italian-made Cesca style arm chairs (Marcel Breuer design) wood/rattan/metal tubing, (sold by Gabberts), and 4 similar style side chairs, 2 Eero Aarnio wicker basket chairs (out of production for 50 years), several wicker foot stool/tables, & 2 wicker side tables, tramp art chess/checker table,
-several child’s size vintage quilts, newer patchwork quilt top sewn from reproduction civil war era fabrics,
-end rolls of brocades from Durr Limited, (Jan has sewn for 65 years),
-boxes of fabric scraps: old blue/white Brooks Brothers cotton shirts, Liberty of London & Italian cotton scraps, vintage laces including veiling,
-clothing fabrics from Ginny’s Fine Fabrics in Rochester and other premium sources; wool, silk, & linens
-rolls of upholstery/jacket fabric from Durr Limited
-box of off white lace curtains (Quaker & French)
-Scalamandre gold & rose silk drapery fabric from vintage homes, also many yards of rose printed linen drapery
-cotton flannels including a wide bolt used for quilt batting
-boxes of vintage sewing patterns (many never used)
-lots of items for quilters & costumers
-Hats: large size “Uncle Sam” hat, large Blond Swan custom Steam Punk wizard hat, older men’s and boys wool dress hats (size small)
-women’s shoes (sizes 8 ½-9 ½): Cydweq, Trippen, Drew
New Metabo paint remover (from Germany)
-antique farm machinery: 2 bottom plow, 8 ft disc, drag, digger, Brush hog mower, JD wagon, slip scraper
By Ed Kuhlman, on August 7th, 2024
Chuck and Della are downsizing and will be selling the following items at public auction at their home at 1015 Union in Northfield. Everything nice and in good condition. Short auction, no lunch available, so bring your own
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Hohner accordion, 12 German nutcrackers, Chokin Art collection, Red Wing vase, Laurel & Hardy statues, Two statues of children, “Billy” beer, carom board, “Fannykins” collectibles, onyx chess set, cypress root, glass ewers, bookends, beer steins, glassware, elephant statue
FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD: Brown leather couch and love seat, oak breakfront, cedar chest, end tables, pictures, mirror, lamps, patio table & 4 chairs, pistol cabinet, tall gun cabinet, 2 armchairs. two short tables corner table, stool, Oneida Community silverplate: svc for 12, LG TV, CDs and cabinets, Christmas cactus, Christmas items
ARTWORK: Jim Kasper, Terry Redlin, Darrell Bursh wildlife prints, Redlin “Almost Home”-1992, “Sharing the Evening”, “Homeward Bound”, “Duck Hunting”, “Flying Free” 1990, “Evening Star” 2001, Michael Sieve signed print “Rule #3-Find a Refuge” Richard Plasschaert “Flooded Timber Woodies” signed print, Original art: Doug Lindstrand, Judy K, Arlene Morgan, whale breaching picture-Mexico original
GARAGE: Honda GCV 200 lawn mower w/bagger, 21” MTD snowblower, Craftsman 24” 5 1/2hp snowthrower-electric start, Poulan chainsaw, Rockwell jig saw, Pro Force compressor, Black & Decker hedge trimmer, 12’ Keller ladder, “Greenworks” blower, Two 8’ sections of vinyl fencing, detail sander, Dremel tool, 2 shop vacs, green yard wagon, wheel barrow, garden chest, yard tools, tool cabinet, snow rake, 2 wheel cart,
TOYS & CHILDREN: Crash Test prototypes, Matchbox cars & track, Legos, Fisher Price, Mini Smurfs, radio controlled car, Star Wars figures, nice wooden truck & trailer, trucks, cars, “Little Bear” Disney VCRs, Sesame Street DVDs,
By Ed Kuhlman, on June 1st, 2024
Friday & Saturday, June 28 & 29
9:00AM-4:00PM both days, numbers given at 8:30AM
Dick and Karen are moving and will be selling the following items at their home at 809 Quie Lane in Northfield, MN. High quality, very clean items.
FURNITURE: Oak kitchen table, chairs & leaves, large sectional couch, sofa & love seat, two matching blue chairs, sofa table & benches, Conant Ball china hutch, dining room table & 8 chairs, Ethan Allen cherry table,large living room rug, Ethan Allen modular office furniture, blue Hide-a-bed couch, Hekman tea cart, cherry bedroom set (full size bed), glass top desk & chair, large coffee table, lamps & lamp tables, numerous pieces of artwork, two person bench, many small décor items, household items
YARD & GARAGE: Toro SR4 super recycler lawn mower, JD 827E snow thrower, Schwinn bike, ladder, stainless garage shelving, numerous yard tools & garage items
ANTIQUES: art glass pieces, antique high chair, unique antique sewing table, antique chair, old upholstered rocker, antique secretary, antique folding high chair
PORCH, PATIO & OTHER: Nordic track elliptical, 2 yellow porch rockers, patio table & 8 chairs, patio recliner, grill
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