Ed Kuhlman, auctioneer

Ed Kuhlman


Ed in action

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August Borchert Auction, Sept 22, Warsaw, MN

Augie is cleaning his garage and will be selling the following items at live public auction located at his home at 23273 Farwell Ave in Warsaw, MN on Thursday, September 22, 2022, starting at 5:00PM. (please bring your own refrreshments as no lunch will be available)

Piagio 500 150cc motorscooter (2500 mi), Fish Master fishing boat & trailer w/70hp Evinrude motor (power trim & tilt), Johnson 2.0hp outboard, Evinrude 1.5hp & 6hp outboards, bow mount trolling motor, Honda 1500W generator, lawn mower lift, 25,000BTU fish house heater, Little Champ electric smoker, Delta chop saw, scroll saw, Workmate, camping porta-potties, fishing tackle, two 10# propane tanks, aerater, fish house stove, casters, lots of misc garage and shop items

Auctioneer’s Note:  There are sure to be some surprises as we unpack boxes to get the auction ready.  Come and spend a little time at a good old-fashioned live auction.

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